Kovas Rankdarbių mėnuo 20d: Laikas pavasariniam apsišvarinimui!
Pavasaris yra puikus metas apsivalymui ir inventoriaus atnaujinimui! Išrūšiuok savo turimus papuošalus ir atidėk tuos, kurių jau nebenešiosi. Taip pat rask tuos, kuriuos norėtum perdaryti, patobulinti. Pasidalink su kitais nebenešiojamomis dalimis arba surenk papuošalų mainus savo draugių tarpe!
Spring is the perfect time to clean out and refresh your jewelry collection! Sort through your jewelry and set aside the pieces you never seem to wear. Separate the ones you can re-work into new jewelry from the ones you know you’ll never wear again. Consider donating any unsalvageable pieces or organizing a jewelry swap with friends!
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https://www.facebook.com/RebelsoulEk |
Jeigu atvirai prisipažinti, leidau šią dieną pailsėti nuo gaminimo. Mano atsargos dar gana nedidelės ir neturiu savo hobiui nei atskiro specialaus kampo, nei tuo labiau kambario. Labai aktyviai, beja, apie tai fantazuoju ir esu numačius būdus, kaip norėčiau organizuoti ir tvarkytis tose svajonių dirbtuvėse. Paveikslėlis aukščiau, kaip tik atspindi tai, ko tikrai labai norėčiau: didelis patogus stalas priešais langą, pro kurį matytūsi gražus žalias sodas arba parkas, didelė, visą sieną užimanti, lentyna-spinta su daugybe patogių skyrių įvairiems daiktams susikrauti, šalia patogi sofa, prigulti, kai neateina įkvėpimas :). Šiandien dienai? Teturiu dvi gražiai sukrautas dėžes su įvairiomis detalėmis. Jos visada tvarkingos, kitaip tiesiog nieko nerasčiau. Tai jau tampa mano hobio dalis- kol vyksta darbas ir kūryba, namuose vyrauja baisinė betverkė, kai objektas baigiamas, specialai skiriu laiko inventorizavimui, aplinkos susitvarkymui. Besitvarkydama intensyviai galvoju apie sekantį projektėlį. Tai tampa savotišku ritualu, meditacija...
I have to admit openly, I spent this day for rest. My stock is still quite small and don't have an separate angle for my hobby, nor room. But very active I am fantasizing about my dream workshop and I know how I would like to built it and organize. Picture above just reflect my dreams: a large comfortable table in front of the window, through showing the beautiful green garden or a park, a large, occupying the entire wall, shelf-cabinet with lots of different sections for my stuff, next to a comfortable sofa to take a nap when inspiration does not come :). For Today? Have only two nicely stacked boxes with various details. They are always triged-up in right way, otherwise I just coun't find anyfing. It became part of my hobby-until the work is ongoing, my home is in an awful mess, and when the subject is completed, some of my time I dedicate to clean all around and arange all the stuff. While doing this boring action as cleaning, thinking about the next projects to start. It becomes a kind of ritual, meditation ...
Užsukite į šią temą jei norite pamatyti daugiau nuostabių dirbtuvių namuose:
Drop in to this topic if you want to see more amazing workshops at home:
http://rebelsoul-ek.blogspot.it/2012/05/work-at-home.htmlI have to admit openly, I spent this day for rest. My stock is still quite small and don't have an separate angle for my hobby, nor room. But very active I am fantasizing about my dream workshop and I know how I would like to built it and organize. Picture above just reflect my dreams: a large comfortable table in front of the window, through showing the beautiful green garden or a park, a large, occupying the entire wall, shelf-cabinet with lots of different sections for my stuff, next to a comfortable sofa to take a nap when inspiration does not come :). For Today? Have only two nicely stacked boxes with various details. They are always triged-up in right way, otherwise I just coun't find anyfing. It became part of my hobby-until the work is ongoing, my home is in an awful mess, and when the subject is completed, some of my time I dedicate to clean all around and arange all the stuff. While doing this boring action as cleaning, thinking about the next projects to start. It becomes a kind of ritual, meditation ...
Užsukite į šią temą jei norite pamatyti daugiau nuostabių dirbtuvių namuose:
Drop in to this topic if you want to see more amazing workshops at home:
Susipažinkite su Kovo mėnesio rankdarbių kalendoriumi:
Check out the Craft Month March calendar:
Check out the Craft Month March calendar:
- http://s3.amazonaws.com/FusionBeads/pdf/MarchChallengeCalendar2013.pdf;
- http://www.fusionbeads.com/30-Day-March-2013#sthash.KlGV6saw.dpuf.
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