Kovas Rankdarbių mėnuo 2d: Suverk nesudėtingą vėrinį!
Peržiūrėti pagrindinius juvelyrikos įgūdžius ir suverk paprastą vėrinį. Pasinaudodama šiuo iššūkiu patobulink savo įgūdžius naudodamas spaustukus arba mazgelius!
Revisit your most basic jewelry-making skills today and create a simple strung piece. Take this opportunity to perfect your crimping or knotting as you make a new necklace or bracelet!
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http://www.facebook.com/RebelsoulEk |
Šiandien pagaminau apyrankę pavadinimu "Guess my code" ("Atspėk mano kodą") iš Rhodochrosito ir Shamballa karoliukų, intarpų su Swarovski kristalais, dekoratyvinio kaspino, kristalo pakabuko "Širdelė" (detalė paimta iš seno auskaro), lašo formos kristalo, Tibeto sidabro užsegimo. Pasinaudojau mazgelių rišimo techniką.
Today I made a bracelet called "Guess my code" from: Rhodochrosite and Shamballa beads, connectors are with Swarovski crystals, decorative ribbon, crystal pendant "Heart" (detail from an old earring), drop shape crystal bead, Tibetan silver clasp. Today I used knotting technique.
Today I made a bracelet called "Guess my code" from: Rhodochrosite and Shamballa beads, connectors are with Swarovski crystals, decorative ribbon, crystal pendant "Heart" (detail from an old earring), drop shape crystal bead, Tibetan silver clasp. Today I used knotting technique.
Man patinka galutinis rezultatas, spalvų dermė, kompozicija. Kūrdama šį papuošalą šiek tiek pasikankinau (taip vadinamos kūryvinės kančios). Pradėjau su mintimi, kad turiu panaudoti rožinę spalvą ir tą širdelės formos kristalą, visa kitą prijungiau palaipsniui. Labai apsidžiaugiau savo atsargose radusi spynelės formos užsegimą, buvau jį visai pamiršus! Na, jis pats išlindo, matyt labai norėjo būti panaudotas kartu su šia širdele <3.
I like the end result, colors, composition. By creating this piece i agonized a little (the so-called creative suffering). I started with the idea that I have to use the pink color, and the heart-shaped crystal, all other stuff came along after. Was so happy to find lock-shaped clasp at my inventory box. I was completely forgotten it! Well, it came out, apparently longed to be used in conjunction with this sweetheart <3.
I like the end result, colors, composition. By creating this piece i agonized a little (the so-called creative suffering). I started with the idea that I have to use the pink color, and the heart-shaped crystal, all other stuff came along after. Was so happy to find lock-shaped clasp at my inventory box. I was completely forgotten it! Well, it came out, apparently longed to be used in conjunction with this sweetheart <3.
Susipažinkite su Kovo mėnesio rankdarbių kalendoriumi:
Check out the Craft Month March calendar:
Check out the Craft Month March calendar:
- http://s3.amazonaws.com/FusionBeads/pdf/MarchChallengeCalendar2013.pdf;
- http://www.fusionbeads.com/30-Day-March-2013#sthash.KlGV6saw.dpuf.
Šaunuolė - kad apsiėmėi šio iššūkio- reik ir man neatsilikt :)
ReplyDelete(Very neice that you are following the challenge)