Sukurk nesudėtingą papuošalų komplektą! Tai gali būtį kaklo vėrinys su derančiais auskarais arba apyrankė su žiedu. Taip vientisu darbu papuoši ne vieną kūno dalį, o kur kas daugiau.
Coordinate your jewelry effortlessly by making a set! Create a necklace and a matching pair of earrings or a bracelet with a ring to match. For a completely cohesive look, make a suite of jewelry to adorn your ears, fingers, wrists and neck!
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https://www.facebook.com/RebelsoulEk |
Vėrinukas vertas pagal schemutę, o auskariukus sugalvojau pati :).Darbo eigoje teko priderinti kitokius lašelio formos akmenėlius,nes darbelis gavosi kur kas smulkesnis, nei atrodė iš pačių pradžių. Galutinis rezultatas kažkuo primena didmiesčių blyksinčias neonines šviesas, ištisinės sidabrinio biserio juostos- dangoraižius. Tad, kitaip tiesiog negalėjau pavadinti, kaip tik "Metropolis". Pagaminta iš: Toho biseris, Swarovski pakabikai ir bicones, pasidabruoti auskarų kabliukai.
Necklace was made using a pattern and earrings by myself :) During creation I had to change drop-shaped beads to another ones, cause this project at the begining seems to be more bigger than it is at the end. The result reminds me metropolitan images, including flashing neon lights, solid silver bead bands reminds skyscrapers. So, otherwise just could not call it "Metropolis." Made of: Toho beads, Swarovski pendants and bicones, silver plated hooks.
Pagaliau paskutinis projektėlis. Aš įveikiau 30 dienų iššūkį, išmokau daug naujų dalykų, nors buvo tikrai nelengva. Valio! ! ! ! !
Finally, I fineshed the last project. I did it- the 30-days of challenges, I learned a lot of new things, although it was really tough. Hooray! ! ! ! !
Necklace was made using a pattern and earrings by myself :) During creation I had to change drop-shaped beads to another ones, cause this project at the begining seems to be more bigger than it is at the end. The result reminds me metropolitan images, including flashing neon lights, solid silver bead bands reminds skyscrapers. So, otherwise just could not call it "Metropolis." Made of: Toho beads, Swarovski pendants and bicones, silver plated hooks.
Pagaliau paskutinis projektėlis. Aš įveikiau 30 dienų iššūkį, išmokau daug naujų dalykų, nors buvo tikrai nelengva. Valio! ! ! ! !
Finally, I fineshed the last project. I did it- the 30-days of challenges, I learned a lot of new things, although it was really tough. Hooray! ! ! ! !
Susipažinkite su Kovo mėnesio rankdarbių kalendoriumi:
Check out the Craft Month March calendar:
Check out the Craft Month March calendar:
- http://s3.amazonaws.com/FusionBeads/pdf/MarchChallengeCalendar2013.pdf;
- http://www.fusionbeads.com/30-Day-March-2013#sthash.KlGV6saw.dpuf.
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