Gaminam šarnyrinę lėlę. Simetrijos taisymas.(6 dalis)
Pereisime prie dalies, kur musų formos užaugintos, bet
galbūt nėra dar tobulos išvaizdos. Joms sutvarkyti pasitelksime simetrijos
taisymas. Ypač pravers liniuotė, slankmatis, gal net skriestuvas.
Now we are at the phase where our forms were grown, but perhaps dosn't looks so good as you would like. For this reason will be used a symmetry correction. Especially you can find useful such tools as ruler, trammel, calipers maybe.
Now we are at the phase where our forms were grown, but perhaps dosn't looks so good as you would like. For this reason will be used a symmetry correction. Especially you can find useful such tools as ruler, trammel, calipers maybe.
Pasinaudokite savo schema, pieškite vidurio linijas,
sudalinkite jūsų formas lygiomis dalimis.
Use your doll's scheme, draw the middle lines, divide your form in equal parts.
Use your doll's scheme, draw the middle lines, divide your form in equal parts.
Dabar ištaisykite netikslumus, sulyginkite simetriją. Ten
kur nereikia nupjaukite, kur reikia prilipdykite.
Now, correct inaccuracies, align the symmetry.You can stuck the clay where is missing it and cut-out there you don't want to.
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